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Frequently Asked Questions
How to Book?Thank you for choosing MassageByV! All appointments (including vouchers) are held with a credit card. Card won’t be charged unless cancellation policy is not honored. When booking select "Reserve" without payment to finalize appointment. DO NOT select redeem coupon this is for memberships only.
How do I schedule a voucher?When you schedule your appointment online, you will be asked to provide your method of payment. You may provide the voucher number in notes, just not in the code box which is for membership use. Then complete the intake and select "reserve without payment" even with a voucher. Only the eligible appointments with voucher will be accepted.
Will I be charged when reserving with my credit card?No, you will not be charged when scheduling. You can select "reserve without payment". However, in case of NO SHOW or you don’t give the 24 hours notice, then yes, you will be charged full price.
Voucher Appointments AvailabilityVoucher appointments are first come first serve. The availability opens on the 15th of each month. If nothing appears you should set a reminder for the 15th to check and reserve available appointments or pay regular price.
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